We’ve collated multiple videos to help you get started in the Sefaira web application. If you don't already have a model ready for Sefaira, you can follow along with one of our demo projects, otherwise you may want to start here:
- Sefaira for SketchUp: Getting Started Modeling Videos
- Sefaira for Revit: Getting Started Modeling Videos
From the plugin to the web application
This video shows the crucial step of moving from the realtime feedback within the modeling environment (via the Sefaira plugin) to a more detailed, shareable web application project platform.
Main Features
In this video we show how you can setup the basic parameters of your Sefaira web application project.
Setting up your building envelope
In this video we focus on setting up the envelope of your building - How airtight is it? How good is it at keeping heat in? How much glazing is there? etc.
Shading Design
In this video we zoom in on the shading functionality in Sefaira. You will learn how to use Sefaira’s Parametric Shading and Response Curves features to optimize your shading.
Heating and Cooling Loads
This video will guide you on how to understand the heating & cooling systems available for your location and building type.
Setting up your HVAC system
This video shows how you can quickly setup and change the HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) in your building and how much energy your systems use to keep people happy.
How to zone your building
The Sefaira Web App offers three major zoning types, ranging from simple to fully zoned. Learn how and when to use them in minutes.
Create and assign space uses to zones
In Sefaira’s Web App, you can start with averages across the whole building and move quickly to editing loads/setpoints/schedules per room to simulate a more detailed version of the your design while still at concept stage.
Comparing passive and active strategies and massings
Clones are how Sefaira compares different strategies. Learn how to clone your baseline building and its parameters, and how to change a specification or applied strategy to see how it impacts your building’s performance.
How to optimize your building parameters
In this video we show how you can run 10x simulations simultaneously in order to spot trends. You can answer questions such as, “Do I need shading on the south of my building and, if so, do I need lots or a little?” “Which facade is the optimum location for vary amounts of glazing?” You can also investigate glazing amount, glazing type, insulation, photovoltaics, building orientation, and lots more.
Natural ventilation
In this video, we take a look at how to investigate the benefits of opening your windows. Depending on the climate, it may make the building more comfortable and save on energy associated with cooling and mechanical ventilation.