What to look for (and correct) when your analysis fails:
99.9% of the time, if you get an error message in the plugin or the web interface, it most likely has to do with how you have modeled your project for Sefaira analysis. A more in-depth and self paced tutorial on successfully modeling for Sefaira in Revit can be accessed here. For those that want to do a quick sense check of their model, please refer to the information below.
1) After "Generating Views," ensure that you are in the "Daylight Analysis View" template if you are running daylight analysis and are in the "Energy Analysis View" template if you are conducting energy analysis.
(*Click on images below for enlarged view)
2) Once views are generated and you are in one of the view templates (Daylight or Energy Analysis view), scan for floor, wall and roof families that are not a part of the conditioned space.
3) If surfaces are not a part of the conditioned space then tag those surfaces as either "Shading" or "Ignored." The decision to tag a surface as "Shading" depends on whether or not the surface participates in blocking the sunlight that would otherwise reach your project. If it does not then tag as "Ignore."
4) Replace the windows in your model. Each element of the frame in your window family adds to the number of shading planes. To ensure that you are reducing the number of framing elements, replace your windows with the window family attached to this article (Sefaira_Fixed.rfa). This ensures that the analysis is not bogged down by extra geometry that can be ignored at this stage of energy analysis.
5) Make sure that your building is not too far away from the Project Base Point. Because Sefaira daylight analysis centers around the Project Base Point, you will want your building to be close to the base point for when you run your daylight analysis.
6) Ensure that the floors on each level are made up of an individual floor piece (as much as possible). You will want to avoid multiple floor pieces comprising a floor level. Sefaira analysis is very dependent on how you model your floors; therefore, the less complicated you make them, the smoother the resulting energy model is going to be (i.e. combining floor pieces into one, whenever possible). The smoother the energy model, the less likely it is for errors to propagate.
7) Make sure that your walls are modeled with the proper function type. What that means is for you to model interior walls with the "interior" function type and the exterior walls with the "exterior" function type so that they are recognized as such.
For instance, if your exterior walls are modeled with the "interior" function type, they will show under the "Sefaira Walls - Interior" view template instead, and will be considered adiabatic (i.e. no heat transfer through the surface). On the other hand, if your interior walls are modeled with the "exterior" function type then they will show up under the "Sefaira Walls - Exterior" view template and will have the outdoor boundary conditions applied to it.
Once you have ensured that your model is in the clear of all the issues mentioned above, the analysis should complete as expected. If it still doesn't, please visit our forums as there might already be a solution posted on what you are experiencing.