Getting Started with Understanding your Results Videos


This article contains multiple videos which show you how to navigate and download assets from energy/CO2 to peak loads to thermal comfort of your building. These videos assume you have already created a model and have setup a project in the web application. If you haven't yet, we recommend starting with these articles: 

How do I see various results? 

We provide both annual and peak results by default but did you know we provide many more metrics in the dropdown?

How do I take my results out of Sefaira? 

You have done a bunch of analysis - now what? You can share a project, you can take a screenshot but have you tried our OUTPUTS?? Click Download on the output tabs on the right of the page and in various other places to download the results in either graphical or spreadsheet form. These should auto download in your browser.

What do I use the Peak Loads tab for? 

You design your cooling system for the hour when it is hottest in your building and vica versa for heating system. But this is not as simple as when it is hottest outside. The Peak Loads tab lets you figure out if the building is balanced or if too much (or too little) load from outside/inside/direct sun/too many people/etc are the reason for a system that is too big. Then you can take steps to improve it.

What do I use the Energy Breakdown tab for? 

Some aspects of the building will need a lot of power but for a little time. Others will be low consumption but on all day and night. To see how this all adds up across the months and years, look at the Energy Breakdown tab. You may find that you are focusing on expensive glass to keep out loads from outside when switching to better lighting would be more impactful. 

How do I setup and run a Thermal Comfort simulation? 

This video shows you how quickly you can setup analysis to see if people in your building will be too hot or too cold, and if so when, and how much. 

How do I understand the results from a Comfort simulation? 

You have run your comfort simulation but what does red mean? Is green perfect of just good enough?


TIP: If you want to watch more videos on how to use Sefaira for daylighting analysis, you may want to visit this article. 

If you have any comments or questions, please check out the SketchUp + Sefaira Forum

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