Is similar to Active Chilled Beam system except that the Primary Air (Outside Air) is not supplied to the zone unit but on the different location in the zone. Zone air that is flowing through the zone unit is induced naturally as a result of gravitational forces (hot air moves up, cold air falls down)
Default values:
- Chilled Water Pump power: 21 W/gpm or 1.32 W/(L/s)
- Hot Water Pump power: 21 W/gpm or 1.32 W/(L/s)
- Condenser Water Pump power: 21 W/gpm or 1.32 W/(L/s)
- DOAS Fan Power: 0.9 W/cfm or 0.42 W/(L/s)
- DOAS heat recovery type: Enthalpy
- All pumps are VSD
- Night time operation: Cycle on any load