How to Run a Response Curve - setting a range and selecting outputs

How to Run a Response Curve – setting a range and selecting outputs



A response curve can be run for all building parameters within the Web Application.  Response curves help you quickly find the optimal design choice to build strategies without manually adjusting the model.  The curve is generated by running an analysis for a chosen number of steps between a desired range.  To run a response curve, follow the below instructions:


  1.  Hover the mouse to the right of the parameter for which you intend to run a curve.  A graph icon will appear.  Click on the graph icon.
  2. Set the range of values for which you would like to run the analyses between.  This is done by toggling the meter on the top left of the ‘Response Curve’ window. 

    *We suggest setting the range to be between what a reasonable range is for your project; for example, for running a response curve for Wall Assembly R-value, the default range is very large (between 1.14 to 55.65 ft2·h·°F/BTU).  As the image above shows, a large range may result in a flat line. Decreasing the range for R-value will produce a more informative response curve.



  3. Set the measured steps.  This is done with the drop down menu in the top right of the corner.  Choosing 10 steps (the default value) will run an analysis for 10 values between the set range.

  4. Select up to two outputs for the analysis using the output dropdown menu.

  5. Click ‘Run Simulation’ to generate the curve.

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    Robert Hagstrom

    The Response Curve for HVAC, specifically the COP measure, just "spins" and never appears. It just says "Generating Response Curve" forever...Is this a coding issue? The ones for SHGC and R-Value works, though.