Creating One Zone per Room in Revit


For many projects you may want to break the model up into different zones to consider space plan layout or just to correctly account for variations in space use across a building. When doing analysis in the Web Application, you can designate zones for each of your Revit rooms and assign different space uses (properties) to each. 

Key things to know:

  • Revit rooms are used to make zones in the Sefaira Web Application.
  • In the Web Application select the "One zone / Room" zoning strategy for Sefaira to read Revit rooms. 
  • Area not within a room boundary will not get imported into the Web Application. 

More detail

Sefaira's One Zone per Room zoning strategy considers each unique room in Revit as a unique zone for Sefaira analysis.    

Note only Revit rooms will be considered as zones within the One Zone per Room zoning strategy. Revit spaces and Revit zones (see image below) are not considered as Sefaira zones, and do not factor into the Sefaira zoning strategy nor the performance analysis calculations.  

When using the One Zone per Room zoning strategy, please be aware that any and all of the conditioned area of your design which you wish to include in analysis should be defined as a room in Revit. (Note that rooms CANNOT overlap; if they do, the analysis will not run.)

Area not defined by a Revit room will be ignored by the One Zone per Room zoning strategy  (e.g. the red areas in the image below).


We will inform you if your model has any non-roomed area with a zone warning: 


Keep in mind...

Building envelope properties like glazing U-values, SHGC values, wall thicknesses, etc. are set within the Sefaira Web Application to enable easy comparison of different options while using the same model. This means that any analytical information from the Revit model will not be used for the Sefaira analysis. 

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