Transition notes for regular users of the old Architecture web app

The old Sefaira Archtiecture web application (also known as Sefaira Concept) will continue to be available throughout 2017 with some important caveats.

Run Access

Projects will continue be visible and you will be able to run analysis in the old projects throughout 2017.

At this stage we are planning to switch off the analysis engine at the end of the year while keeping projects read-only for sometime into 2018.

Share Access

Projects can be shared with anyone in your company and will be visible by all users if shared.

New Project Creation

If you have used the product at least once in the past 365 days, you will automatically have been given access to new project creation in the old web-application.

This can be switched on or off at anytime in settings here:


If this box is un-checked, projects will automatically be created in the NEW web application

If the box is checked, you will be be asked to choose which web application you want to use every time you create a project. For Architecture-Only users it will look like this:


For Systems users it will look like this:



We certainly hope you are as excited as we are for this landmark event in our product history. Thank you for being a part of Sefaira. We wish you the best as you continue to pursue the highest-performing designs!


Try out the new Sefaira Architecture


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